Punjab Newsline, Chandigarh, September 15-
With the Punjab Police, in coordination with Central Agencies and Delhi Police, having arrested the second perpetrator of Chandigarh Grenade Blast case within 72 hours, the probe has revealed that USA-based wanted gangster Harpreet Singh alias Happy Passia, who is working on the behest of Pak-based BKI terrorist Harvinder Singh alias Rinda and ISI, handled the accused by providing explosives, weapons, and logistical support but reneged on promised rewards to the accused persons.
“Following leads generated through various sources, second perpetrator Vishal Masih s/o Sabi Masih resident of village Raimal near Dhyanpur PS Kotli Surat Mallian, #Batala, District #Gurdaspur has been arrested from #Delhi," informed DGP Punjab Gaurav Yadav in a post on his X handle (formerly Twitter).
On Wednesday evening, two individuals had executed a Grenade blast in Sector 10, Chandigarh. Since the incident strongly indicated a terror crime, Punjab Police and Central Agencies acted expeditiously and nabbed one of the accused Rohan Masih on Friday along with a weapon and ammunition. Rohan Masih is presently on remand with SSOC, Amritsar.