CHANDIGARH: On receiving a report of around 50 families stranded in floodwaters in deras (habitants), Punjab Information and Public Relations Minister S. Chetan Singh Jauramajra today immediately rushed to the spot and arranged boats to safely evacuate these families from floodwaters. The relief operation has been started in the supervision of S. Chetan Singh Jauramajra, who is continuously monitoring the situation and visiting the affected villages of his constituency.
The Cabinet Minister informed that today, as soon as he received the news of families being stranded in the habitants near village Dharmeri, he immediately asked the district administration to send boats and personally took charge of relief operations upon arrival. He also instructed SDM Charanjit Singh and DDPO Amandeep Kaur to expedite relief operations.
Later, the Minister visited village Draula, Drauli, Nawan Gaon, Tulewal, Gheora and Sular, and assured the people that Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Mann led government is standing shoulder to shoulder with them in this difficult time and is fully committed to the safety and security of every individual and living being, hence they should extend full support to the government and the administration.
While interacting with media persons, S. Chetan Singh Jauramajra stated that due to heavy rainfall in the hilly and catchment areas, flood-like challenging conditions have occurred in district Patiala, but the administration is fully prepared and the situation will be under control soon.