PATALA: Punjab Government and Minister of Agriculture Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal's able leadership and according to the guidelines of Director Agriculture Department Chief Agriculture Officer Dr. Kripal Singh Dhillon has appealed to the farmers not burning the paddy straw.
He said that farmers can contribute to protect the environment from pollution by not burning the paddy straw and can help reduce the adverse health effects of crop residue burning.
Chief Agriculture Officer Dr. Kripal Singh Dhillon said that 80 percent of organic matter is destroyed as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas due to crop residue burning. Burning stubble destroys plant nutrients (especially nitrogen and sulphur) which adversely affects soil health. About 89 percent of nitrogen, 20 percent of phosphorus and potash, 50 percent of sulfur are destroyed due to fire.
He appealed to the farmers not to burn crop residues so that the environment remains clean, soil fertility is increased, friendly insects are not eliminated, the use of fertilizers can be reduced and organic matter can be increased, thereby increasing the water supply.