Friday, July 05, 2024

Govt approves a landmark initiative for Free Renal and Liver Transplants up to Rs. 3 lakh under MMMIY

July 01, 2024 07:16 PM
Govt approves a landmark initiative for Free Renal and Liver Transplants up to Rs. 3 lakh under MMMIY

Also sanctions specialized fixed Renal and Liver Transplant package of Rs. 3 lakh under PMJAY-AB scheme
Punjab Newsline, Chandigarh, July 1 -
In a significant move set to transform healthcare accessibility in Haryana, CM Nayab Singh has approved a landmark initiative that will provide free renal and liver transplantation services up to Rs. 3 lakh for eligible patients under the Mukhya Mantri Muft Ilaj Yojana (MMMIY). In addition to this transformative step, the Chief Minister has also sanctioned the creation of a specialized fixed Renal and Liver Transplant Package of Rs 3 lakh under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - Ayushman Bharat (PMJAY-AB) scheme.
While giving this information here today, Health, Medical Education, and Research Minister, Dr Kamal Gupta said that the current government is committed to healthcare reform and patient welfare. With this new initiative, identified patients will be able to receive critical renal and liver transplants at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS) in Rohtak without worrying about the prohibitive costs. These pivotal decisions aims to offer life-saving medical treatments to those in dire need, ensuring no one is denied essential healthcare due to financial constraints.
He said that by alleviating the financial burden associated with complex medical procedures, the government is paving the way for a future where healthcare is a fundamental right accessible to all, regardless of economic status.
The Minister said that previously, there was no provision under MMMIY to cover the expenses related to renal or liver transplants. Many patients faced insurmountable barriers to receiving the treatments they desperately needed. The introduction of this facility, for the first time in a government healthcare institute, marks a significant stride towards bridging this gap and providing comprehensive care to the most vulnerable sections of society.

Commitment to Healthcare Excellence: Continuous Improvement
Dr. Gupta emphasized the State Government's unwavering commitment to enhancing healthcare services across Haryana. "This initiative reflects our priority to provide affordable and accessible treatment to all patients, especially those in need. By continuously improving health facilities and expanding the scope of services, we aim to ensure that every citizen has access to high-quality medical care," he said.

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