Punjab Newsline, Chandigarh, January 10-
Punjab Power Minister Harbhajan Singh ETO unveiled the 2025 calendars for Punjab State Power Corporation
Limited (PSPCL) and Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) here today.
The PSPCL calendar showcases captivating image of the Sri Guru Amardas Thermal Plant, Goindwal Sahib,
alongside picture of function organised to induct the newly appointed personnel within the corporation.
Additionally, it features a striking solar tree, symbolizing the corporation's dedication to renewable energy. The
PSTCL calendar, on the other hand, spotlights innovative initiatives aimed at strengthening the state's power
transmission infrastructure.
while releasing these calendars, ETO extended congratulations to both PSPCL and PSTCL for their commendable initiative. He expressed unwavering confidence that each day represented in these 2025 calendars will serve as a testament to the relentless efforts and dedication of both corporations.
Power Minister said that the initiatives taken by PSPCL and PSTCL are not just about dates on a calendar,
but about their ongoing commitment to the development and welfare of the people of Punjab.