CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state, on Thursday arrested two Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) Baljinder Singh Mand, Incharge Police Post, Phase-VI, SAS Nagar and his colleague, Kuldeep Singh, posted in the same Police Post for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 25,000.
Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the VB said the above said police officials have been arrested on the complaint of Ravinder Kumar, resident of Mundian Kalan, Ludhiana.
Giving details he added that the said complainant has approached the VB and informed that his friend named Paras was arrested by the said police station Incharge in a liquor case and both the accused police personnel had already taken Rs 45,000 on different dates to help and facilitate the bail of Paras from the court whose marriage was fixed in the coming days. The complainant further informed that the said police officials now demanding Rs 50,000 more not to involve his another friend Harmit Singh along with Paras in the same liquor case.
The spokesperson informed that after preliminary investigation into the allegations, a VB team from flying squad-1, Punjab at SAS Nagar laid a trap and the accused Police Post Incharge Baljinder Singh Mand has been arrested on the spot while taking Rs 25,000 as a bribe from the complainant in the presence of two official witnesses. Meanwhile, his accomplice and investigation officer in this case, ASI Kuldeep Singh was also arrested by the VB. In this regard a case under prevention of corruption act has been registered against both the accused police officials at VB police station, flying squad-1, Punjab at SAS Nagar. Further investigation in this case was under progress, he added.