MOHALI: A new platform of Vice-Chancellors, academic leaders, policy makers and administrators to share and discuss the challenges, issues and concerns in the field of higher education has been launched by Edubrain.
The new organization christened Federation for Educational Leaders and Administrators (FELA) and Dr Parvinder Singh Vice-Chancellor of the Rayat Bahra University is the first CEO-cum- Executive Director of the FELA.
Chairing the first meeting of directors and associate directors of the FELA Dr Parvinder Singh said FELA aims to bring together educational leaders from all over the world. The forum's primary goal is to promote a democratic exchange regarding various policies and grievances in the education sector. On the online platform, everyone has a voice heard by everyone.
Speaking at the maiden meeting of the forum, Prof Singh said the forum would provide a platform to discuss how to identify critical knowledge and skills gaps among professionals involved in education policy design and implementation and identify examples of practical learning actions in support of just transition strategies. It would also help identify the impacts of practical skills development and training.
Elaborating further, Dr Parvinder Singh said that the new initiative seeks to use the intellectual capacity of these great minds to overcome the challenges in the vast Indian academia. The organisation will serve as a forum, bringing together senior members of the academic community to support and advise the top education leaders, entrepreneurs, and administrators on various policies and academic affairs.
He said the FELA provides an opportunity for input to the development of strategy and direction. The Forum also provides an improved commitment to education principles, enhanced organisational and leadership capability through individual and collective knowledge and communication.
Dr Parvinder Singh said it is the first-ever forum in the country, run under the mentorship of great education leaders with decades of experience, aiming to bring together the intellectuals in academia to educate, analyse, and improve the country's educational environment.